Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My new love Party Planning!!

I love entertaining!! I love blogs where people create these perfect parties. You know the food table looks like art and to cute to eat and the decoration are out of this world and everything is perfect.

I got this picture from a party planning site. This is a awesome set up! I picked Halloween since it's right around the corner.

I recently attempted my first party with a cute theme (Vintage Tea Party) and used tips, set up ideas I got from party planning blogs. Well the weather ruined my complete vision but I think I did well pulling it off indoors in a small space. The hole project was making a total delicate, fancy, over the top, girly party and doing it for $150.00 dollars or less. Well my decor was great but the dessert table and decor was not so great.
This is my set up! I think their should have been a better background.

The nice thing is that I can have this party again in the future for my daughter and her friends because I have everything I need except my desserts. Now I'm working on my next party idea for my Daughter and her friends! I once again set my budget of $150.00 dollars for everything. I will reuse some thing from my Vintage Tea Party like all the fabric table covers. Love to craft and a big project just fills my need for crafting! I also like garage sales, thrift shops and finding thing cheap and recreating a purpose for them. Some day I'll have that picture perfect party but until then I'll keep planning and having parties!!!  We'll see how Halloween turns out! Keep you posted.

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