Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Home Photo Studio and First Photo Shoot

I work for CPI Sears Portrait Studio and take all of my daughter Kaitlyn's pictures at the studio but their is just times I want to take picture's from home so I have decided to add a small studio in my basement. On the plus side I love props and this will work well because I can customize my props big to small to fit the project photo shoot I'm working on and I will not have to haul them to the studio.
I have a long way to go on lighting and I would love to upgrade my camera in the near future but this is a start in the right direction. I recently designed and built my background stands and off Craigslist for $15.00 bucks I bought a piece of vinyl flooring with a deep  mahogany wood grain finish to look like old wooden floors to use on a current project I want to do for preschool picture for Kaitlyn. I want to do a photo shoot with an old school desk, books, globe and etc. I had seen some recent photo shoots I liked on Pinterest. I fell in love with this ruffled muslin background I seen in a photo shoot on Pinterest so it's probably a good thing I sew and had tons of yardage of muslin left over from a project I did a long time ago. So my first back ground for my studio would be free I just have to make it. Let me tell you that the new ruffled background came out great and once again I turn to garage sales and Craigslist for other items I would need for my photo shoot along with Pinterest to make a few photo shoot props. Here is a pic from the back to preschool session I shoot with my daughter Kaitlyn September 4th, 2012.

Made this prop to use at the beginning of the school year each year until she refuses. lol

This was also another cute idea Large picture frame chalkboard to use to write anything you want on it.
This is a picture of the vinyl flooring I bought.

The old school desk I bought and refinished.

Now I'm hooked so hopefully in the future I can add more backgrounds and props along with lighting and a new camera to have my own mini studio at home.

Back to Preschool 2012

This is Kaitlyn's second year at Heavenly Beginnings Preschool. These picture's I took out of my new 1/4 done studio I'm adding in my basement.
I bought the desk for $10.00 bucks on craigslist and refinished it.

Kaitlyn does not wear glasses but thought be a cute prop.

Easy and cheap props pencils in a glass jar, some old books from a garage sale, fresh new red apple and a old globe my Uncle Mark bought me when I was a child.

I seen this picture frame with wooden letters on pinterest and made it to use every year.

Another Pinterest find. Also can be used at the beginning and end of the year or for anything a picture frame chalkboard.

This picture/ pose turned out better then I could of hoped for another pinterest idea.

Keep it simple.