Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Busy, busy ,busy time of year!!

So for those of you who do not know I work seasonal for a Portrait Studio and this is the busy season for Fall, Halloween, X-mas and everything in between. So with Halloween costumes and parties behind me and the switching of seasonal decor on the home front Fall, Thanksgiving soon into X-mas I've been busy! I got over 90% of my outdoor X-mas done so this is almost off my list of things to do. Planning on finishing it all this weekend 11-19 & 20th. Come the day after Thanksgiving I take down a few Thanksgiving decor and it's full on X-mas!
 My daughter Birthday falls in December and my Parents Anniversary so December is busy for the family! We have been planning Kaitlyn's 4th Birthday. She wants a Minnie Mouse Party so I've been planning, shopping and crafting away on her up coming party. I have some really cute ideas and crafts to share later on. Hoping to start and finish her special Birthday outfit this weekend. Aunt Nancy gave a wonderful family gift this year tickets the night before Kaitlyn's Birthday to ride the Polar Express so excited about that! A family tradition is going to see East Streets Christmas Program. My parents attend every year and this year will be Kaitlyn's first year attending so also excited about that. The Hubby and I have not been to this program in 4 years of course 4 years ago I was having my c-section after 23 1/2 hours of labor when everyone else in the family was going to watch Easy Street's Christmas program but what a great Christmas present we got that year! I have to say that was the best Christmas ever!!!
Then it's Birthday and X-mas pictures Wednesday 11-23 & Thanksgiving!! Then the start of decorating for X-mas indoors at our house.
I have been making and selling my Hair bow holders and tutu bags on top of a already hectic schedule. Then once again the sore throat, cough, sinus thing took over and Kaitlyn was sick all weekend and me this week. Blahhhhhh!!! Who wants to do anything!! Finally getting back on track.

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