Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Preschool for Kaitlyn

My little Pumpkin Pie (Kaitlyn) is growing like a weed. We decided if she was willing to take part in a preschool program 2 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours a day it would build her up to 3 days next year and Kindergarten after that. I feel it gives her good social skills and since she has some speech issue form having a short frenum which pulls down the tongue, restricts it from moving freely and prevents the formation of a tongue tip. My husband was born as well with a short frenum but they cut his. Today they like to correct it with therapy. Which the result for Kaitlyn is she has difficulties pronouncing certain words correctly. Her speech therapist also though this extra social interaction would help her speech. I have to say the sarcastic words come out just as clear as day!! LOL You know the words she picks up at preschool...we have duh, oh my god (which we have been correcting to oh my gosh), what do u mean and what ever so far this year. She loves it and ask everyday if she has preschool. She is making friends and learning what more could I ask for.

She wanted a back pack like her cousin when he goes to school.

First day of preschool. She didn't even care I was leaving her. I cried like a baby!

New outfit for preschool.

On her way to  preschool.

New outfit & hat Grandma Ross bought her!

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