Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer & Projects

Well it is here...Summer! I have not been posting lately because we finally have had some nice weather. For a while their we had nothing but rain in NE Ohio. So much rain I had to plant my garden late this year. Me & the Hubby's have been playing catch-up on all the outdoor projects we need to do or want to do this year! So bad we have not been out on the Jet skies once this year or even opened the pool yet! I usually have a garage sale at the end of May but not this year maybe mid July!! We did how ever get the play area moved and set up and mulched for the kids. We built a new brick patio and bought a gazebo to go over it. I love it and it's so I can sit and relax in the shade and watch the kids play. We also like to entertain others so it's nice to have extra sitting to gather. We did buy the same Gazebo and put it up on the large back deck we have. The deck is great to entertain on but gets sun most of the day and it was a hit the gazebo was so much better then a umbrella and we added a outdoor Chandelier which I just love. So we've had family and friends over several times and the gazebo is great. Now we have a second gathering area. We have started to build another smaller brick patio to use for a fire pit. Nothing says summer like a fire pit, marshmallows and hot dogs cooked over a fire. Now I'm hoping to have it completed buy Friday the July 1st or Saturday morning the 2nd so we can use this Forth of July weekend. Then we are going to build another flower bed and water feature a long the garage so when you sit on the deck or come through the gate you'll be greeted with beauty then blah!!! Maybe next year we can build the 2 gates we need, a small deck on the pool and always more flower beds. Well we did it we finished the small fire pit brick patio and we really enjoyed it over the fourth July weekend. Did I mention the bricks are 100 years old and older. Love the look. So by the time we get all the projects done, pool open and jet skies out the snow will be falling!!! LOL

New Play area. The new brick patio & Gazebo we built right in front.

New larger brick patio w/ new gazebo.

New smaller brick fire pit patio.

Gazebo we bought for the back deck.

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