Monday, July 11, 2011

My family's Fourth of July weekend

So like always I love the long 4th of July weekend and all that goes on Family releated. So we started with Friday 1st going to the McDonald festive a few rides for Kaitlyn, good festival food and she won a snake playing a cheap u always win game. Then Saturday we finished the small brick patio for the fire pit. Went to Grandma Ross's swimmmig and Hubby helped my Dad work on the engine of one of the jet skies we have. Then off to McDonald to the firework display!

McDonald's Festival.

Swimming at Grandma Ross's.
McDonald Fairworks.

Then Sunday morning it was off to the Trumbull County Fair. Rides, food and animals.

Kaitlyn loved the animals and rides.
Then home for a small break and Family joined us for Hot Dogs and Marshmellows around the fire pit. Fireworks and sparklers. We had a blast...sorry no pic's. Then Monday the 4th up and to the 4th of July Parade in North Jackson.

Kaitlyn at the North Jackson 4th of July Parade.

Then off to Bob Evan's for breakfast and swimming at Grandma's house again. Then home where Family joined us for all those picnic favorites hot dogs, hamburgers, potato wedges, corn on the cob, bake beans, mac/ potato salad, chips, lots of good desserts and cold drinks. Then after everyone ate we gathered around the fire pit for laughs and then at dark sparklers and fireworks. We had a blast with the fun things to do and to show off our patriotism and celebrate the 4th. To have and do things fun w/ family that's a great weekend. God Bless Our Troops and everyone whom has served in the military for our Country!!!

The mess we had to clean up!!!! Totally worth every bit!!!

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