Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baking Cupcakes & Decorating them.

So I have been inspired lately to bake or make good, cute cupcakes. It must be because of DC Cupcakes or watching Cake Boss. So I found a cute idea at Halloween... cupcakes w/ chocolate spider web. Well all that could go wrong did. DISASTER! I have been asking others who bake for good frosting recipes and tips. I love the Internet so many ideas out there and helpful tips.
 I found a cute idea from another fellow blogger on cupcakes in a ice cream cone. Kaitlyn, Garret and I gave it a whirl and they came out wonderful but u always learn from your mistakes. Next time I will fill the cones about 1/2 to 3/4 full and I think it will allow for a higher top. Now on to frosting,  I tried using canned frosting and getting creative with piping it on w/ a decorative attachment but every time my bag would blow out. They make it look so easy on DC Cupcakes. Since I have not tried out any of the frosting recipes I have gotten yet I have been sticking w/ canned store bought frosting.
Last night me and Kaitlyn made cupcakes and once again I tried to use canned frosting but this time I bought a coupling ring and a better decorating attachment but the frosting was to hard to pipe and if I continued to apply pressure I would have another blow out!!! What to do??? THINK, THINK, THINK?? So it hit me heat up the frosting a little in the mic so I did and finally success. My cupcakes looked better w/ the frosting piped on then spread w/ a knife and it even helped the sprinkles stick better. No one ever thought of this or what? I never read anywhere to give this a try so a break through. My piping was not as perfect as DC Cupcakes but I was pleased. So I can still cheat with store bought cake mix and frosting and make cute cupcakes quickly. Next thing after I prefect my cupcakes is making creative, cute cakes w/ fondant.

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